Versione italiana
oneself with the mosaic is possible
To communicate with the tessera is contemporaneity
When, on the morning of Friday 28th September 1984,
Professor Argan (in presenting the sign of peace and
friendship between the peoples) stated at the Casa Melandri
in Ravenna that “mosaic can play modern music... new
music...” “... of all the forms of applied Arts, mosaic is
perhaps the only one that can be considered ART...”.
“... mosaic is not born with the board, but with the
mosaicist artist...”.
“... it has all the qualifications to become an aulic
It was when Palma Bucarelli added: “it is deplorable that
today’s mosaicists should confine themselves to reproduce on
board famous paintings...” that I realized my beliefs as a
mosaicist-artist, creator, planner and at the same time
executor, had at last found some allies, and that these
allies were of no little significance.
The reason for starting with the statements of famous
artists is that everything I am going to say is very close
to their technical explanations.
I have long pondered on my proposal, thought about it,
rethought it, buried it, unearthed it, practised it, in a
never ending struggle between myself, the mosaic, and the
My proposal is directed mainly to the A.I.M.C. which can
adhere to it, if it so decides to, but it is above all a
socio-cultural proposal within the contemporary artistic
When talking of Art, it is implied this is an “oil” painting.
Why this attitude? Art is any form of activity by man as a
confirmation or exaltation of his creative talent and of his
capacity for expressing it, so that he modifies himself and
his habitat according to a dramatic relationship, together
with individual or social needs, logical or moral.
Well, I propose to create an Artistic movement where the
original vehicle to express an idea is the “tessera”.
Tesserae of any material any shape, any dimension, put close
to one another, and then suddenly placed apart, consistent
and inconsistent at the same time-space.
Creating, generating, “painting” with the tessera which has
within itself the natural power to live through the
Let us not just think about applied Art, but also about
contemporary expression, about modern Art; this indicates a
specific attitude by the Artist, his will to tune his work
to the thoughts, actions, more generally to he ways of life
of his time, inasmuch as these ways differ from traditional
or past ones.
We must transmit our time, which is no longer a matter of
Popes and Emperors, who had temples made lavishly to display
their power.
Today we have to react to the recent academic tradition in
order to fit in with the needs of a society and of a culture
which have been changing at an exceptionally faster and
faster pace; we have to force a radical renewal in the very
concept of Art.
The movement is not just about mosaic: it begins with the
mosaic (the tessera), but it wants to involve Art in a
general sense. The Artist being the only creator-executor of
the result, with no intermediaries.
The movement relies on arhythmia... the arhythmia in our
disorderly lives, marked by the hurry, based on getting
immediate results. The movement is about searching for and
experimenting contemporary techniques and materials.
The movement is not meant as a “monument to the mosaicist”,
but rather as a creative movement of the Artist, a movement
reacting to tradition, perfection, consistency, to rules of
any kind.
This movement will be called A-RHYTHMISM, which means
alteration of the normal rhythm, devoid of rhythm, not
following the normal rhythm... lack of the drawing, only
form, ... lines and colour... expression of contemporaneity.
Many are the issues to be tackled and investigated, but I
will leave this subject open to those who will debate this
Felice Nittolo,
Ravenna, novembre 1984
Università di Louvain-La-Neuve Belgio-1984