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Born in Capriglia Irpina, but of Ravenna by virtue of his love of mosaics, Felice Nittolo is one of the main contemporary mosaic artists.
In the course of his artistic development over more than thirty years Nittolo has caught national and international attention with a series of ideas which, if not breaking away completely, are highly provocative such as Arrhythmia (1984) and the manifesto of the New Tradition (1992).

Nittolo, although defending the independence of the mosaic language has intuitively understood the correspondence between mosaics and theatre, mosaics and music, mosaics and poetry.

The many personal exhibitions and shows include the international art fairs of Arco Madrid, Artefiera Bologna, Expo Arte Bari, Artexpo New York, Art 14 Basle, Fiac Paris in addition to the following.

1989/90 "Mosaico e Mosaicisti" in the castle of Mesola, Antevilla Belvedere of Monreale, the Rocca Roveresca of Senigallia, Palace du Commerce di Nantes, the Cultural Institute of Paris, the Chartreuse Museum of Doul Lille.
1992 the exposition in Genoa in the ambit of the 500th anniversary of the discovery of America.

1995 "Pictor imaginarius et musivarius" at the Provincial government Building of Ravenna.
1996 "Always mosaic" in the Casa Italia in Atlanta at the XXVI Olimpics.

Biciclo con sella d'argento


1997 "Nuove contaminazioni" Municipal Museums of Udine and "Oggetti del desiderio" mosaic e design at the Municipal Picture Gallery of Ravenna.
Among the dramatisations mention should be made of the artist’s cooperation with Ravenna Teatro, the Compagnia Drammatico Vegetale and Ravenna Festival "Mosaico di scena"with Vinicio Capossela.
"Byzantium"Urban Glass Contemporary School of Design of New York. Moreover "Avellana" in the Church of the Carmine of Avellino and "Murarie" Modern Art Gallery in the Republic of San Marino.

1998/99 "Bisanzio" itinerant anthological exhibition of great historical and cultural interest.

1999 "ArteNota" RavennArte and Fondazione Bevilacqua la Masa , installation at the former sulphur warehouse of Almagià , Ravenna.

Sella d'oro


2000 "Sculture viventi" performance at the Art Fair of Bologna.
"Abellinum", installation, catacombs of the early Christian Basilica of Prata P.U. Avellino "Bisantium", Pallant House Gallery, Chichester, West Sussex , Great Britain.
"Mosaic, a living art", Royal Albert Memorial Museum, Exeter, Great Britain.
"Byzantium Faventia Venetiae", Galleria Circolo degli Artisti, Faenza, patronage of the municipalities of Faenza, Avellino, Ravenna and Capriglia Irpina.
"Mosaic, a living art", Sheffield Galleries & Museum Trust, Ruskin Gallery, Sheffield, England.
"Byzantium Faventia Venetiae", Faculty Gallery, University of California, San Diego, USA.
"Piccolo", Flux Gallery, San Diego, California, USA.
"Crocifissione giubilare", installation, Corte Palazzo exhibitions, Faenza, Ravenna.

2001 "MeditAzione" installations, Fabbri Gallery and Basilica S.Agata Maggiore, Ravenna.
"Centoportemorte", Church of the Carmine, Councillorship for Culture, Municipality of Avellino.
"Omaggio a Sinibaldi Leone" Caracciolo Castle, Montefredane, Avellino.
"Dovadola invita Ravenna" Oratorio of S.Antonio, Province di Ravenna, Dovadola, Forlì, Cesena.
"Il pensiero la parola l’arte" Gallery of Visual Arts, Foggia.
"Collezione d’arte della Provincia di Ravenna" Conference Centre, Ravenna.

Cono verde

Se non ci fossero le guerre il mondo sarebbe d'oro

2002 "Segnalibri d’artista" in Villa Bruno in Napoli, Campania Region.
"Artisti a Torino" Exhibition Building, Municipality of Turin, Piedmont Region.
"Mosaico in scena", Theatre and musica action, RavennArte, Municipality and Province of Ravenna
"Adarte" Salt Warehouses, with the patronage of the Municipality of Cervia and Province of Ravenna.
"Terra di Mare" coastal district, Municipality of Ravenna.

2003 "Il suono del silenzio" Councillorship for Culture, Modern Art Gallery, Palazzo Albertini, Forlì and Nuovo Segno Modern Art Gallery, Forlì.
"Il suono del silenzio", Art Museum of Kawagoe, and Modern Art Museum of Saitama, Japan.

2004 "scrittura di luce-scultura di Luce" Collins Gallery, Glasgow, Scotland.
"Incantamenti" Gallery of the International Museum of Tuzla, Bosnia Herzegovina.
"Vestigia" Ancient convent of San Francesco, Councillorship for Culture, Municipality of Bagnacavallo, Ravenna.
"Kalligraphia" Immagine Gallery, Gambalunga palace Councillorship for Culture, Municipal Museums, Rimini, Italians in the north West, XVI Art Walk Olimpia, WA.



2005 "Ceramicamosaico" Church of S. Maria delle Croci, Municipalities of Faenza, Cervia, Ravenna.
"Il ritratto della SHOAH", Salt Warehouses, Cervia. Councillorship for Culture of the Municipality of Cervia.
"Luce Bizantina a Oriente" ORIE Gallery, Tokyo.
"I colori della città" niArt gallery, Ravenna with the patronage of the Councillorship for Culture of the Municipality of Ravenna.
XVII Art Walk, Olimpia WA with the patronage of the culture department of S. Francisco.

2006 "open Studio", voyages in Contemporary Art, Region of Emilia Romagna, Province of Ravenna, Municipalities of Russi, Faenza and Ravenna.
Arte Sacra, national biennial, Municipality and Diocese of Pistoia, Councillorship for Culture Damaris. Curated by Giampaolo Trotta.
"Mete di Grano", Norman Tower of Summonte, patronage of the Campania Region, Province of Avellino and Municipality of Summonte.
"Il nero e l’oro" niArt Gallery, Ravenna. Patronage of the Municipality and Province of Ravenna.

2007 "Vetri", niArt Gallery, Ravenna, Patronage of the Municipality and Province of Ravenna.
"Mosaici contemporanei nei luoghi del mosaico antico" National Archeologic Museum of Altino, Venezia.
"La Lumiére de Ravenne", S.Nicola’s Tour, Paray-le-Monial, Francia.
"Ravenna" - Fiat 500, Vittorio Veneto Square, Torino - SVA GROUP Trieste street e Popolo Square, Ravenna.

He then further explored the possibilities of glass and ceramic in art and also realized some video-performances. His creative work was accompanied by a meticulous rediscovery of the work of the greatest players of 19th century Ravenna's mosaic school by organizing and curating a long series of monographic exhibitions, alternating retrospective and contemporary artists (often mosaic 'new talents'). Many other exhibitions were held in Italy, France, Japan, United States, Germany, Austria, Scotland.

The following year he set up the evocative installation Acqua e Mosaico in the crypt of Basilica of Saint Francis in Ravenna. In the same year, his works entered the mosaic collection of the Art Museum of Ravenna.

In 2013 his works were shown at the exhibition Meccaniche della Meraviglia on the island of Lake Garda and in 2014 he was asked to organize the exhibition Porziuncola in Chartres.

The installation in the Basilica of Saint John the Evangelist in Ravenna is from 2015.

In 2016-17 the project Ritorno was started: a site-specific exhibition & installation itinerary curated by Paolo Sacchini and Generoso Picone which has developed in seven exhibitions held in different and unusual ancient venues of the territory of Irpinia.

In 2017-18 an extensive solo exhibition entitled Felice Nittolo/Geografie a ritroso took place at the National Museum of Ravenna. He also participated in the important historical exhibition at the MAR of Ravenna with the title MONTEZUNA FONTANA MIRKO mosaic sculpture art from its origins to the present day.

The 2018 installation LIGHT on the altar of the San Petronio basilica in Bologna and Stone and gold in the chapel of the Holy Spirit in the monastery of Camaldoli (Arezzo).

The 2019 installation REVEALED, a site-specific work in the flooded crypt of the San Francesco basilica in Ravenna.

The MEMORIAL TREE, a permanent installation to the memory of the victims of the Aquila earthquake.

Landscape and water, organised by Maria Rita Bentini in the Estense Castle and the Abbot’s Tower in Mesola, Ferrara.

Light takes shape, organised by Linda Kniffitz, a site-specific installation in the Baptistery of Neon, the Chapel  of Saint Andrew and the Archiepiscopal Museum in Ravenna.

From 2020: Emersions, a site-specific work of mosaics in the waters of Bologna - organised by Riccardo Betti, seen through “The Little Window” of Via Piella in Bologna.  Green-White-Red, curated by Sandro Malossini of the Emilia-Romagna region. Controluce, organiised by Agneta Kreiischer, Ars Communicat, Traun, Austria.

Rythym in stone, organised by Daniela Ricci and the Home Gallery of Alessandro Viitiello. Pan Museum, Naples.


He taught Mosaic Art at the Art Institute “Nervi-Severini” and at the Academy of Fine Arts in Ravenna as well as at the Pilchuck School in Seattle.

His works are showcased in several public and private collections: from the MAR Musuem in Ravenna to the Art Museam in Tacoma (near Seattle), from the National Museum of Ravenna to the Art Museum of Kawagoe in Japan.

He lives and works in Ravenna.


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